Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Where I Lived

Also from my mother's album is this photo of the house on Bishop Street from 1957 or 58. That's our Chevy in the car port. My bedroom window is the one on the right.

The house has change a little since then--looks like the windows were replaced and maybe the roof was changed. Incidentally, that is the JCC behind our house. I remember riding my pink Schwinn bicycle around and around the empty JCC parking lot while listening to early rock and roll on my portable pink transistor radio.

Several other Jewish families also lived on Bishop Street (Dave Shatz, Joe Shatz, Mark Shatz, Izzy Rubenstein) and I believe it was referred to as " Little Jerusalem." NOTE Patsy supplied the correct term--I had thought it was Little Israel--but she set me straight.

Unless the Falkoff's had taken me to the duplex on Division Street I would never have known where it was, nor would I have recognized it. I believe we lived there about a year while our house on Bishop Street was being built. While taking pictures, I had a run in with the current owner. She rushed out demanding to know what I wanted. She was leery of my assertion that I used to live there, and only after a lengthy explanation of who my family was and why I was there, did I feel her skepticism give way, a little. She was greatly relieved when we drove off.


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